The Flaming Friend

Hotpaws is a big ol' lunky bruiser. Hotpaws excels at distrupting on the front line or driving the back liners further back away from the fight.

Staying within range of enemies as Hotpaws eventually turns them HOT, signaled by a fire icon on their hero. Hotpaws can LMB attack them to heal himself and deal %HP damage. Sometimes it better to switch targets often for maximum passive procs vs tunneling!

Hotpaws' RMB can hit allies or enemies so you can use it not only to knock enemies into you (or the tower!), but also help allies escape sticky situations.



Hotpaws throws out a friendly fistbump, accidentally dealing damage given he has giant superhot fists. Oops? Passive: When Hotpaws stands near an enemy they begin to heat up. Once fully heated Hotpaws may fistbump them to make a friend dealing divine damage and healing himself.


Hotpaws high-fives himself so hard that part of the ground ruptures at his targeted location, dealing damage to enemies and knocking both enemies AND allies hit in the targeted direction. Very poor time for celebrating Hotpaws.


Hotpaws raises a slab of rock in front of him that shields him from damage from the direction he's facing. At the end of its duration or when recast, Hotpaws fires a piece of the wall in the targeted direction dealing damage to the first target hit. Damage absorbed by the shield increases the projectile's damage.


Hotpaws leaps into the air with the best of intentions, but eventually crashes down at the target location, dealing damage and stunning enemies.


Never deterred by his inability to make friends, Hotpaws tries even harder, gaining increased size, movement speed, and health regeneration for 3 seconds. While moving he stomps the ground dealing damage and knocking back nearby enemies.